Debate Candidates For DPM and BEM Chairman Election
Debate candidates is an annual event of the year that held by DPM FIKom Untar as the preparation for Chairman election for DPM (Dewan Perwakilan Mahasiswa) and BEM (Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa) faculty of communication science Tarumanagara University for 2014 2015 period.
This Debate was held on Tarumanagara University Main Building on the 12th floor (19/5). The candidates are Doohan, Denny, and Christopher as the candidates for DPM chariman, Nirma and Indra as the candidates for BEM chairman.
The chairman candidates told their own vision, mission and the annual year working program if they were selected for the next period. And all the students of FIKom Untar who came could ask the questions to the candidates for their annual year working program or about their vision and mission.